Our Lives, Our Times


From women on the move, achieving in every field, seniors racing high-speed cars or performing on stage, a modern couple’s long-distance life in letters, or  kids strutting out The Ohio State University marching band’s beloved Script Ohio, to the simple heartfelt realization of a high school student that the world isn’t and is unlikely ever to be the idyllic place she’d once imagined she could help

bring about--

to reminders that the poor and homeless are

still among us, as are the unemployed who may soon join their ranks, to the quiet work of Peace Corps volunteers in the third world “bringing the world back home,” to a professor’s angry screed against the prevailing American creed of Greed --“Our Life and Times” proved the most popular theme, opening a window on the spirit, interests, and competing values of the early 1990’s.

We Have this Meal

Dressed for Success



Ohio 1992,  Yasue Sakaoka

Our Life in Letters




At This Moment,

Jennifer Bussell

and.....One Voice for the Animals

Ode to the Baby Boomers

CORVA/Peace Corps